Event Security Is A Top Priority for Schools, Sports, Politics, and more.

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About Us

MProtective, LLC, is a licensed, bonded and insured provider of event security, security guards and investigations

Security Guards and Investigations serving all of Central Pennsylvania

Private investigators, also known as private detectives or PIs, are hired professionals used for multiple purposes. Although PIs are not police officers, many have a criminal justice background. Many have developed their expertise on the job. PIs will work for private individuals or companies. Attorneys may hire detectives to build information for a case. A private detective provides investigative services, surveillance and background checks. Investigators use their skills to gather information on behalf of individuals, law firms and companies. In Pennsylvania, you are also required to be licensed as a PI to offer guard or other physical security services .

Things you should ask your PI:


  • Does the private investigator have a physical office that you can visit?
  • Will they provide a written contract or engagement letter?
  • Are they listed as being licensed as a Private Investigator on the website of the County where the office resides?
  • Can they provide a copy of their Workers Comp insurance certificate for your review?
  • Will they provide a copy of their Liability insurance Certificate?
  • Can you see their Private Investigators License that is required to be posted in their wall?
  • Is the vehicle that they drive registered and insured in the corporate name?

MProtective, LLC can answer yes to all of the above questions!!

Are they legit?

An easy way to determine the legitimacy of a guard or investigations company is to google their published address or listed address on their website (perhpas they don’t even list an address) and then see if their company name is visible on the google street view! You may be surprised at what you find, and it may not accurately reflect the company that they’re representing themselves to be!

What M Protective, LLC has to offer:

  • Always professional and reliable team members
  • 24-hour emergency availability
  • Owner has more than 30 years of security experience
  • Licensed by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania as Private Investigators in York County, PA
  • Bonded
  • Professional Liability Insurance
  • All agents with lethal weapons are Act 235 Certified
venue security
armed security guards
Threat Assessments
employee terminations

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